hororen haven

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about hororen haven

Hororen Haven is a group dedicated to Usui Horokeu "Horohoro" and Tao Ren from the Shaman King series by Takei Hiroyuki.

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event & activity faqs

What sort of media are allowed?
All kinds! Fics, art, GIFs, music mixes, edits, videos and AMVs – all are welcome!

Do I have to make something for all the prompts?
Not at all! You can participate in as few or as many days as you’d like. There’s no requirement regarding participation. If you’re not into a certain prompt/theme or can’t think of anything for the day, you’re more than welcome to skip a day. If you want to do one of the days, half of them, or all of them, that’s totally fine!

Can I collaborate with another creator?
Absolutely! That would be amazing.

Are there word count restrictions?
Nope! Write how much little or how little you want.

Can I submit an old work or sequel?
The purpose of this event is to create NEW content, so submitting old content is not allowed. However, sequels are more than welcome.

Can I post a work in progress?
Please finish your work before posting it, though series are an exception.

Are there rating or content limitations
None whatsoever, though everything must be rated and tagged appropriately.

What if I missed a day? Can I submit work late?
Yes, definitely! We will continue looking at the tags and sharing fanworks for a month after the event to make sure we didn’t miss anything.

I missed the event! Will there be more in the future?
Absolutely! We plan to host lots of Hororen events, so keep your eyes peeled for future fun!

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